Saturday, January 12, 2008

And she slept...

You've read about Emma's great evening after going to the chiropractor on Wednesday, and how Thursday during the day wasn't as great.

We went to see Dr. Sparks again Thursday evening. That evening wasn't enjoyable. She slept from 7:00-until 9:30, and didn't go back to sleep again until after 2:30am. She was miserable - and so were we. She seemed especially gassy, and hadn't had a BM (still hasn't!). She slept late Friday morning and had a pretty rough day.

The chiropractor's office is closed on Fridays, so that was disappointing. But things began looking up. She was very fussy during the day, and lately she's been especially fussy waking up from her afternoon nap around 3:00ish. But she ate around 6:00 and fell asleep around 8:00, sleeping soundly until 11:00. She ate again and was asleep by midnight. Last night, she slept from midnight until 7:00 this morning! Aaron and I were elated.

Unfortunately, she was so hungry that she ate too much and threw it all back up (thankfully on teh kitchen floor!). Oh well. You can't win them all.

Here's how the rest of the day went:
9:00am : Ate again, fell asleep. Slept through the entirety of her baby shower!
12:30pm: Ate. Fussed. Fell asleep by 2:00. did not sleep well
3:30pm: Ate. Fussed. Put in wrap, fell asleep.
5:30pm: Fussing! Ate again. Put her in her bassinet in our room at 6:00. She began crying loudly. I comforted her, put her down again. This time she slept! Probably around 7:00.

She's still asleep. We'll see if we have a calm night. It's okay if we don't - we're definitely seeing progress. Have you ever heard that parenting is about the Day of Small Things? I need to be pondering that...

(Nb: You might not care about reading the details of Emma's eating and sleeping. That's okay. I know that even if you did care, it gets tiring reading the same ol' thing with different times. That's okay, too. I'm logging this for me to look back on. If you're only here to look at pictures of adorable children, stay tuned: they're coming soon...)


Michelle G said...

Hi Kelly! It's Michelle :) I LOVE reading about your two beautiful children. So far all we have is dogs, but maybe someday we'll have a little one of our own. I hope Emma keeps making progress, I'm sure you are an incredible mom- hang in there!

Kelly said...

Michelle! I've been wondering how to get ahold ofyou! I'm glad you're around! I'd love to have your new address and info. Could you send it to kellypay at Let me know how you're doing.