Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Emma's Feeding Log

Saturday night, January 12
-1o:oopm woke to eat, fussy, projetile vomit. Up and fussy until 1:00; we let her cry, but haveno idea how long b/c we fell asleep

Sunday, January 13
-9:30am: Woke to eat. Went to church, fell asleep on Aaron's shoulder for entire service!
-12:30pm: Woke to eat. Dozed in and out until 2:oopm. Cried.
-2:00pm: Ate. Put on couch. Dozed - did not sleep well.
-4:30pm: Ate. Bit unsettled. Held by Aaron and dozed but did not sleep well.
-6:30pm: Ate. Calm and sleepy. Put down in bassinet. Fussed 1 minute. To sleep!
-10:45pm: Ate (woke with a bit of help). Calm and right back to sleep!
-3:00am: Woke to eat. Unsettled, hard to latch on. Awake with Aaron, but mostly calm.
-5:30am: Ate again. Put on couch and cried to sleep. Not sure how long (a few minutes?)

Monday, January 14
-8:30am: Woke to eat. Fidgety. Hard to settle, tired.. 9:50 put in bassinet. Cried. Calmed. Put back down. Slept/quiet for 20 minutes. She's now screaming her head off at 10:30. Going to get her.
-10:30am: Ate. Drat, I don't remember yesterday! I know she was fussy and never truly napped. Seemed unsettled all day. Oh, and please note that I ate milk (at least 12 oz) with breakfast Sunday morning and Monday morning (both days were fussy, unsettled and only catnapping).
-5:00pm: Tried to feed her, too tired, screaming. We went to chiropractor. YAY! Came back. Fell asleep at 6:00pm. Put her in bassinet.
-10:00pm: Woke to eat. Put in bassinet at 10:30 pm.
-12:45am: Woke to eat. Unsettled. Fussed at left side. Finally put her in bassinet at 1:20. Fussed. Picked up. Put her back down. Fussed to sleep by 1:30am.
-5:20am: Woke to eat. Fussed again at left side. Cried. Spit up. Pur her on couch at 5:45am to fuss to sleep.

Tuesday, January 15
-9:00am: Woke to eat. Fussed at left side again. Spitting up a lot. Fussy, uncomfortable. Gave her a bath. Calmed down. Tried to massage her, started screaming. After bath, tried to calm her by holding her and patting, shhing, rocking. Still upset. Put her in bassinet at 10:10am. Fussed and fell asleep by 10:30 am! She slept very well!
-1:30pm: Woke to eat! Ate, got tired, fussed on my shoulder, began crying. Swing didn't help. Began SCREAMING. Gave her mylicon and in 2 minutes fell right asleep. at 2:30pm
-5:30pm: Woke her up to eat. Fussy. Still fussing at left side. Went to chiropractor then McIntyre's. Never went to sleep.
-8:45pm: Fed her again. She was overtired. Aaron was able to rock her to sleep by 10:30pm. She was SUPER congested. Did not sleep well. I woke up at 12:45am hearing her breathing. I was worried she might choke or suffocate or something on her mucus.
-2:30am: She finally woke to eat. Ate well, fell asleep in my arms. Put back down in bassinet. Fussed about 10 minutes. Went to sleep. Still VERY congested and having trouble breathing.
-5:30am: Woke to eat again. Ate, fell asleep in arms, breathing better upright. Around 6:30am I finally laid her down next to me. never fully went to sleep b/c of her congestion.

Wednesday, January 16
-8:00am: Ate. Not as fussy at left side. Still very congested. Calm though. Started fussing at 8:50 and fell asleep on my shoulder (!) with patting and shhing at9:00. Woke up again at 10:00 crying! I'm going to check for a BM - how long has it been?? Well, she fell back asleep before I could pick her up. Nevermind, she's crying again.
-10:30am: Ate again for almost 30 minutes (going through a growth spurt? We'll see...) Getting sleepy and fussy at 11:00, fell asleep at 11:30am.
-1:30pm: woke to eat
-3:00ish woke to eat never went to sleep
-5:00: ate again
-7:30: Ate again. Cat napped.
-9:30: Ate again. Fell asleep around 11:00
-12:45am: Woke to eat. Went back to sleep pretty easily.
-3:00am: Woke to eat. Same as above.
-5:00am: Woke to eat. Umm...definitely a growth spurt. Her congestion is awful, though. GEtting thicker.

Thursday, January 17
-7:00am: Woke to eat. Back to sleep at 7:30
-9:45: I WOKE HER. Don't even try to do this night/day mixup again, Emma! Catnapped while we ran errands. Yes, we RAN ERRANDS. Together - all three of us. It was incredibly awkward. I think about 5 people helped me at the post office.
-12:30: Ate again. Difficulty getting to sleep. Just when I was drifting off myself...
-2:30pm: Woke to eat. VERY fussy. Could not fall asleep. Around 4:00 I gave her mylicon and she's out. What did I eat that made her gassy? I had oatmeal for breakfast with ham; some porkchop and rice for snack; chicken with spinach, tomato and mozarella for lunch.
-Don't remember what happened the rest of the day. We forgot to go to chiropractor. It was an okay evening. But the mucus got so thick we were worried. She and Aaron slept in the den with teh heater and humidifer. She ate at 12:30am and 4:00.

Friday, January 18
-7:00am: Ate. Catnapped.
-10:30am: Woke to eat. Had very good BM! Fell asleep on couch around 11:30am.
-1:30pm: I woke her up to go to doctor. Had another good BM (mucusy). Sorry for too much information. Ate around 2:00 at the doctor's office. Doctor says she had a bad cold, but had not reached her lungs or ears. Catnapped.
-3:30pm: Ate again. Fell asleep on couch at 4:30pm. Woke again soon after
-5:30pm: Ate again. Catnapped.
-7:30pm: Ate again. Catnapped.
-9:30pm: Ate again. Fussy. Lost it! Didn't want to nurse. Got home from Tami's and Kelly calmed her down. Put her in her bassinet at 11:00. Calmed right down!! THIS WAS HER BEST NIGHT EVER!!! She slept, didn't even move!, until 5:30am!!!!!
-5:30am: Woke to eat. Only let her eat one side so she didn't vomit it up later b/c of full tummy.

Saturday, January 19
-7:30am: Woke to eat. Was awake for 50minutes, gave a yawn, then fussed and was rocked to sleep. She's stretching her awake time more and more. Took her a while to settle down on the couch. Woke up at 10:30.
-10:30am: Ate. Put in carseat to get milk at 11:30. Fell asleep after crying about 15 minutes in car. Slept very well!
-2:00pm: Woke to eat. Sleepy by 2:50. Put in bassinet and asleep by 3:20.
-4:15pm: Woke to eat. Fussy. Could not sleep. I held her and she catnapped on shoulder.
I know she ate again between then and 7:00, but not sure when. I had two bowls of cereal (I know!) around 4:30pm.
-7:00pm: Ate again. GEtting increasingly fussy and gassy. Put on couch at 7:45 pm. Fell asleep.
-8:30pm: I woke HER up (wanted her to be awake awhile before going to bed. An experiment) Fed her. VERY FUSSY. I think the milk I drank is affecting her. She also had a GREAT bm.! :)
-10:00pm: Fed her one last time before bed. 10:30pm put down in bassinet, fussed, cried. Finally fell into fitful sleep by 11:00. Did not sleep as well. Whined, tossed, turned. But she DID sleep.
-5:00am: Woke to eat. Would not settle back down. Aaron finally got her to sleep around 6:00.

Sunday, January 2o
-7:30am: Woke to eat. Catnapped until 10:00am
-10:30am: Ate again. slept until 12:30pm.
-12:30pm: Ate again. Slept fitfully in careseat.
-2:30pm : Ate again. Fussy, unsettled. Catnapped.
-4:30pm: I think I fed her? VERY FUSSY. Maybe catnapped?
-6:30pm: Fed her again. Still fussy. Aaron's holding her so she's better.
-8:30pm: Fed her.
-10:00pm: Fed her. Put her to bed in bassinet. Fussed a while. Went to sleep.
-4:50am: ate. SHE SLEPT AGAIN! 3 nights in a row. (I need to think about this now. She's forming a pattern of not eating for over 7 hours. I like the sleeping. But I'd like her to wake up around 2 or 3. THEN sleep until 7:00.) She woke around 7:00 but dozed until 8:00

Monday, January 21
-8:00am: Ate. Took her time. Was very congested, but it all came out with suction. Getting better, I think! Put her in carseat around 9:00. CRIED. Then looked around. Then fell asleep. But woke up and grunted and then cried around 10:00, fell back asleep.
-11:00: Woke to eat. Catnapped? Don't remember.
-1:30: ate again. tried to lay her down for a nap next to me, cried. (is that hard to sleep next to mama?! Joseph won't either) Finally fell asleep at 3:00.
-4:00: Ate again. Fussy. :( Fell asleep on couch crying. :(
-6:00: Woke to eat. Same as above.
-7:30pm: Woke up. Changed diaper. Etc. Fell asleep on shoulder around 8:15. Tried to put her in bassinet in our room (for the night) around 8:50. Became seriously fussy. Crying inconsolably. Drat. Aaron has her right now. We gave her Mylicon.
-9:00: Fed her one last tie and let her cry. :( FInally fell asleep around 10:00.
-Woke HER up at 3:00, sleepy, but had a full feed! Slept soundly until...

Tuesday, January 22
-7:45am: Ate. Napped from 9-10
-10:00: Ate again. Napped from 10:45-12 Good BM!
-12:00: Ate. Napped from 1-2
-2:00 Ate
-4:00 Ate Napped from 5:00-6
-6:00: Ate. DIdn't really sleep. LOST IT!
-8:30: Fed her again. Put her to sleep calmly in bassinet around 9:30 YES!!!
-Woke her at 1:30 to eat.
-4:45: SHE woke up to eat

Wednesday, January 23
-7:30: Ate. Catnapped in swing until 10:00
-10:00: Ate. Put her on floor on blankets. Slept until 11:00. Is now fussing. :)
-Don't remember. She had a very good nap from 12:15 - 3:00. Fussy all afternoon. Ate every 2 hours until 8:00. She seemed really sleepy, so I fed her at 8:00 and put her to sleep. Straight to sleep in bassinett. Followed her same pattern (wake after 6 hours), only earlier! Experiment failed.
-2:00: Woke to eat.

Wednesday, January 24
-5:30: Woke to eat and up for the day. Smiling at me. :) Back to sleep by 6:15.
-8:45: Woke to eat. Back in carseat around 9:30. Fussed during nap - maybe b/c brother was also fussing during HIS naptime?
-11:30: Ate. Fussed on and off - oops! B/c of really wet diaper.
-1:30: Fed her again after diaper change. Asleep by 2:00. SLEPT WELL!
-4:00: Woke to eat. Automatically began fussing (even during nursing). Definitely a pattern now. Fussy rest of afternoon.
-5:30: Ate. Catnapped on couch until 6:00. Her wonderful Daddy is patting and rocking her now while I type this all down. BM!
-8:00: Fed her again. WEnt to the library! :)
-10:00: Fed her again. Put her in bassinet. Fussy. Not sure why? Overtired? Cried. Comforted her. Cried more. Comforted her. Cried for 10min. and fell asleep.
-5:00: Woke up by herself to eat. That's 7 hours! Need to fix this - too long.

Friday, January 25
-8:15: Woke to eat. Calm, happy. On floor looking around for 20minutes! Around 9:15, got fussy, nursed her, still fussy, put her on loveseat, fussed 10 minutes, fell asleep.

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