Friday, January 18, 2008

7 Weeks

On Wednesday, Emma was 7 weeks old. She celebrated by beginning a growth spurt of nursing every 2 hours during the day and every 3 at night. Mama was tired from all the nursing and Emma was tired from less sleep. Also, her congestion got thicker and made it harder to breathe. We're going to the doctor today just to see if she's got an infection or what not. I'll bet someone out there $5 that I walk away with a prescription for antibiotics. Tami came over earlier with all sorts of all natural goodies to give me to help Emma. I hope it works out well. The best part is that we get to weigh her at the doctor's office. I'm curious to see if she's gained at all. I'll report back later.

Below is Joseph at 8 weeks. Do you see any resemblance?

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