Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Rule #368 for Raising Children:

If you're breastfeeding, remember to watch what you eat!

I've been fighting a little cold lately and have a Vitamin-C fizzy drink that I can take to ward off things like that. Well, I've been taking it morning and night - successfully staying healthy! But little Joseph just hasn't been acting himself. Saturday he was a bit fussy in the car when normally it lulls him right to sleep. And Sunday (during church) he became (gasp!) inconsolable. What's a first-time Mom to do when her normally calm and happy baby is fussy? Beats me. I tried everything and then tried changing his diaper. Lo and behold when we took his pants off he calmed down. I don't know...

Yesterday was the worst, though. He slept a whopping 3 hours during the day. Umm...does anyone understand how much Joseph normally sleeps during the day?! He was miserably exhausted! But no matter what, he would not go to sleep. He cried and cried and cried. Thankfully, I didn't get to the point of actually pulling my hair out, but I was close. Before, I thought the reason mothers of newborns were so tired was because of how physically draining it is. I have not experienced that. In fact, I haven't experienced any form of exhaustion. Tired? Yes. But yesterday, I was exhausted. It is so emotionally draining to be tending to this poor, cute baby who is miserable and crying and you don't know what to do.

During dinner last night at the McIntyre's, we all hashed out the situation. Things like "babies sometimes just cry and you don't know why" and "what did you eat yesterday?" and "has he gone to the bathroom?" were passed around. It was Aaron (of course, my genius of a husband) who offered: "Kelly, could it possibly be that energy drink you've been taking?". "What energy drink?" "The vitamin-C drink!" "Ohhhhhhhhh. Huh."

Yes, my friends, I had forgotten that it was, in fact, also an energy booster. Huh. So poor Joseph has been injected with gobs of extra "energy" these last couple days. Now, there's no guarantee that's what has been bothering him, but there's a good chance it's connected! So, last night Joseph had a nice, relaxing bath, and then a soothing massage; we filled him up with yummy milk and he was rocked to sleep. And he slept like a baby. So did mommy. :)

And no more Vitamin-C fizzy drink for now.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Joseph has been with us 3 weeks today! Three seems like such a big number - and it's only in weeks. What happens when it's in years?! Oh, well.

He's doing wonderfully for us. He eats like a horse, apparently, because we weighed him last night at the McIntyre's (on a postal scale! hehe), and he is 9 1/2 pounds! He has his fussy moments, but for the most part (and, most importantly, late at night and early in the morning) he's calm and will sleep. He's gotten into the rhythm of going to bed at around 9:30 or 10:00 and sleeping until 3:30 or 4:00 (that's 6 hours, friends!), eating, and then sleeping another 4 or 5 hours until 8:oo or 9:oo. Isn't that glorious? :)

Joseph doesn't smile very much for us - usually only right after a good feeding and a good burping. So, for now, his smiles are reserved for Mama and, occasionally, Daddy. He is thinking about something, though, because he spends most of his waking time furrowing his brow. He looks very serious!

So, Joseph is growing and growing. In all sorts of ways. Please remember to pray for Joseph, that he would grow "in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men" - just like his Lord, Jesus.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

One Year

This past weekend, Aaron and I celebrated our 1st anniversary. It was overwhelming to think about all the changes God has brought about in our marriage. One year ago, Aaron and I were just married and on our honeymoon, living in our itty-bitty one-bedroom apartment, and delighting in every moment with each other, and in our love and friendship. Here we are now: we've moved into our duplex, Aaron has a different job, we have future plans...and a son. Wow. Look what God has made through us! A new life. A child of the covenant. God's own.

But what is so wonderful as I think about our anniversary is that Aaron and I still delight in each moment with each other. We love each other more than we did one year ago, and we have a closer friendship than when we married. How I adore my husband! And I have so much to forward to... :)

My Handsome Men


When Joseph was still in the womb, he was a very calm baby (still is, in fact). I used to worry that he didn't move around enough. There was always one exception, though: Sundays. As soon as the congregation began singing hymns, I would feel Joseph start to wiggle and kick. It was wonderful. I'm glad my son is already learning to participate in worship with God's people! :)

Well, I still think he's a music man. Today, after feeding and changing him, Joseph and I had our first dance together. I was listening to music on Aaron's computer and my favorite Boyz II Men song came on (On Bended Knee - cheesy, I know, I know!). So we danced and I sang. :) But he never made it to the end of the song. He clonked out. So, Mom, maybe he's going to be a composer?

And for fear that you think I'm leaving with you without any pics this post, here are pictures of Joseph's first bath. It was actually last Thursday, when Mom was here, I've just (gasp) procrastinated. ;)

So far, bathtime has gone very well. I've heard so many stories about babies not liking being wet or cold. Joseph doesn't particularly like being cold, I think, but doesn't make a sound - he just shivers pitifully! And that boy loves having his hair washed (or brushed or whatever). Maybe he's like his mama. :)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I'm trying to have tummy time for Joseph everyday. Hopefully, it helps him develop some good strong muscles! Usually, he'll raise his neck all the way up and look around. But today, he was especially tired (boycotting a nap and all), so he just sort of hung out on our bed. :)

Above: This is the way we often find Joseph after a nap - perpendicular to the way we put him! He's a mover, that's for sure.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Feeding Time

When Aaron and I were at his grandparents' house visiting earlier this summer, we were all eating supper when the phone rang. You heard Grandma say "hello". It was her sister-in-law wondering what we were up to. Grandma's response: "Oh, just feedin' my face." That's exactly what sweet Joseph does - feed his face!

He eats and eats and eats. After doing our very best to keep him awake, he gets a second wind, and then eats and eats some more! After his diaper change (not his favorite part), it's time to snuggle! I hold him in front of me and he drowsily smiles and coos - even laughs sometimes. This is when I tell him that I really don't mind getting up in the middle of the night, after all. :)

Top: That's Joseph's "I am SO happy, Mama!" smile.
Left: Aaron holding his baby boy after getting home from work.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Congratulations to Joseph and Thanks to God!

Joseph had his first official fuss-free night!! He nursed at 12:00, 3:30 and 6:30 - sleeping peacefully in between! Oh, how wonderful to get some actual sleep, but especially to have a calm baby. The apostle James says that every good and perfect gift is from God, and Joseph being happy, calm and rested (along with Mommy and Daddy and Meme), is certainly a very good gift. So thanks be to God.

Above: Joseph settles into his morning nap in his crib.

And, by the way, I would say our experiment was a success! Mom and I decided to start waking him every 2 hours during the day to feed him. The idea was that perhaps pumping him full of calories during the day would help him to eat less at night. It's gotten better each night, so we'll see...moms and midwives are also gifts from God. :)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Meme to the Rescue

We are so thankful Meme is here for a visit. There's nothing like having grandma pick you up and tell you how wonderful you are.

Left: Joseph is actually yawning - not crying!

Karina and Joseph

Monday, August 07, 2006

Mama and Joseph

It was one looooong night last night. Baby Joseph ate at 1:00, 3:30 and 5:30. Which means he slept from 11-1 and 4-5. He was restless and fussy the entire night! But God is always gracious, and in this particular case, Joseph's Meme and cousin Karina had just arrived. So doting Meme was up with tired Mommy all night also! What an encouragement: I never believed my mom capable of giggling all night long because she was holding a crying baby, but there it is. :)

Above: Baby Joseph smiles all the time!
Below: Baby Joseph after a good feeding.

Mom's theory is his nights and days are mixed up - not that he's colicky or not just because he's gassy. And sure enough, he ate at 5:30 this morning, went down (rather happily) around 6:30 and is still blissfully sleeping right now. Crazy Baby Joseph! Aaron and I will be trying to work on that... :)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Bienvenido al mundo...

Baby Joseph Aaron Payne was born with great joy on Tuesday, August 1, 2006 at 12:40 pm. He weighed 8 pounds, is 19 3/4 inches and has a thick head of black hair - just like his daddy. :)

Con mucho alegria, Jose Aron Payne fue nacido el martes, el primero de agosto a las 12:40 de la tarde. Peso 8 libras y es 19 3/4 pulgadas. Tiene mucho pelo negro - como su padre! :)