Saturday, August 12, 2006

Feeding Time

When Aaron and I were at his grandparents' house visiting earlier this summer, we were all eating supper when the phone rang. You heard Grandma say "hello". It was her sister-in-law wondering what we were up to. Grandma's response: "Oh, just feedin' my face." That's exactly what sweet Joseph does - feed his face!

He eats and eats and eats. After doing our very best to keep him awake, he gets a second wind, and then eats and eats some more! After his diaper change (not his favorite part), it's time to snuggle! I hold him in front of me and he drowsily smiles and coos - even laughs sometimes. This is when I tell him that I really don't mind getting up in the middle of the night, after all. :)

Top: That's Joseph's "I am SO happy, Mama!" smile.
Left: Aaron holding his baby boy after getting home from work.

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