Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Joseph has been with us 3 weeks today! Three seems like such a big number - and it's only in weeks. What happens when it's in years?! Oh, well.

He's doing wonderfully for us. He eats like a horse, apparently, because we weighed him last night at the McIntyre's (on a postal scale! hehe), and he is 9 1/2 pounds! He has his fussy moments, but for the most part (and, most importantly, late at night and early in the morning) he's calm and will sleep. He's gotten into the rhythm of going to bed at around 9:30 or 10:00 and sleeping until 3:30 or 4:00 (that's 6 hours, friends!), eating, and then sleeping another 4 or 5 hours until 8:oo or 9:oo. Isn't that glorious? :)

Joseph doesn't smile very much for us - usually only right after a good feeding and a good burping. So, for now, his smiles are reserved for Mama and, occasionally, Daddy. He is thinking about something, though, because he spends most of his waking time furrowing his brow. He looks very serious!

So, Joseph is growing and growing. In all sorts of ways. Please remember to pray for Joseph, that he would grow "in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men" - just like his Lord, Jesus.

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