Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Time to catch up...

When Tami stayed with us a couple of weeks ago, it poured! She took him on a walk and they played in the rain.

Beginning of June: Emma can sit in a seat! She also started crawling around 6 months old (end of May). She mastered sitting up around the same time.

End of May: Our Grilled Chicken Cobb Salad. The only salad Aaron will eat as a meal.

I can almost crawl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emma in her cute outfit, made especially for her by her Nana. Thanks, Ann!

Beginning of May: It's just strange. I couldn't stop giggling.

A couple of months ago, we paid off our first student loan. Lo and behold, last month WE got a check from THEM. So what if it was $6.49?

End of April: We went to Meme's for my birthday. Look what Papa got for Joseph!

We also went to Sandy Lake Amusement Park. It was so much fun!

There were paddle boats!

Little Bo Peep?

Tired Bo Peep.

There was a bit of anxiety, but he liked it overall. He loved the steering wheel.

Joseph rode the train with Papa.

And the carousel with Meme.

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

My niece and nephew are incredibly beautiful. I can't wait to squeeze, kiss, hug, and spend time with them in August.
Kell-did you stick my picture on a popsicle stick or make a book for Joseph and Emmaline? Please give them my love!!