Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Back from the Future

Amy from Humble Musings, says this:

"...the main thing is so hard sometimes. You can try to impress Mom with your loving spirit and knock out your little sister while doing it. For my children, the problem is immaturity. For me, losing sight is from exhaustion. We all lose focus. No matter. I know I’m not the only one who is tired and forgetting about important things–people and my relationship with them. In the middle of it, you don’t have the perspective about what’s important that hindsight brings. You make decisions you wouldn’t have if you weren’t so tired. The heat of the moment—which can be a lot of moments strung together sometimes, a fog that won’t lift –is a testing ground, so choose well. Make the choice you would’ve wish you’d chosen if you were looking back. I’m talking about speaking kindly, being slow to anger, and preferring others above yourself.

I’m notorious for saying things I wish I could take back. Have you had an argument and felt really bad the next morning? That’s how I look back on my week and think that I would’ve lived it differently if only I remembered that it was for Jesus and not me. That there is one day—coming in a few years for me particularly, yes, but even more glorious in eternity– that I won’t be tired, and I’ll be glad that I chose the better thing when I had the chance.

'For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.' ~Galatians 6:8-10"

She sums up well my struggles the last 6 months - not to mention sharing the same exhaustion I've felt. It's so hard to keep to the task that God has given you (loving God and loving others), while your other tasks claim all your time and energy. It's hard to keep heart, persevere, think of others, call your friend, be considerdate, not yell at your son for spitting out his food, not throw up your hands in frustration when the baby wakes up after 20 minutes, cook a meal, or get over the fact that you have gotten dressed fewer times this week than you haven't.

I don't think this is a call to push up your sleeves and work harder to be pleasing to God. I do think this is an encouragement to remember my calling to believe in the Good News of Jesus Christ redeeming me from sin, from exhaustion, from a self-filled life. Ahh...so good to know!

If I were writing a note to myself, from the future, to read today - and if I were wiser and stronger in the knowledge of what our Lord has done for us - I would tell myself that believing the Gospel today is the most important thing I could accomplish.

1 comment:

The Owens said...

Thank you so much! That was exactly what I needed to hear today especially! And oh how true about getting dressed (or even showered for that matter) less right now then ever in my entire life. Oh well! Just keep preaching yourself the Gospel! Your children are very blessed to have you as a mom!