Thursday, February 14, 2008

11 Weeks


  • Her hair is growing - she looks like a baby chick. Color still to be determined.
  • She is officially too long for many of her 3-6 month clothing. Joseph was still wearing 0-3 month as a 5 month old!
  • I'm not sure how much she weighs - need to remember to do this at the McIntyre's!
  • She still has a runny nose and some congestion; that's 8 weeks straight (or more than 3/4 of her little life). My current theory (b/c I've always got one) is that she might be teething. It consoles me, you know.
  • Current "schedule": Okay, there isn't one really, but here are the predictables during the day: up around 7:00, Nap around 10:00, Nap around 1:00 (long), Catnaps in evening, down for the evening around 8:30 (if she makes it), Eat around 3:30, Eat around 6:00. During the day she eats every 2-3 hours. She's almost 3 months and is *trying* to figure out a routine for herself; so I'm going to help her. I'm going to start picking a wake up time and see how that works out for her.
  • She is a people person, so she will stare at and talk to a face for a loooooong time; she smiles, coos and even squeals for her Aunt Kelly. Joseph was so different! He did not (and still doesn't really) like to interact with people, but enjoyed looking around and studying objects. Once he got older, he liked to play with a toy or explore. Emma does not play well by herself. She might lay on her back for 5-10 minutes happily; but once she realizes no one is going to talk to her, she gets unhappy. She doesn't like to play on her tummy, and doesn't even know what a toy is. Babies are so different!
  • She has enjoyed her treatments at the chiropractor, and they're fading out. We are believers!
  • She is trying to sit up. Anytime she's at a 45 degree + angle, she can't stand it. She tries and tries to sit up.
  • She's calming down. She has been a fussy baby since birth, but her demands are less demanding and her cries are usually reserved for a need or a loud noise (that has usually come from Joseph). She still is crying to sleep most of the time (it takes about 10-15 minutes of fussing/crying - some wailing). She will sometimes be rocked or patted or nursed to sleep (especially if Daddy pats her), but for the most part still gets too wound up when she's tired. I'm still trying to watch her carefully for tired signs. For now, I'm relying more on the clock to tell me when she's tired (she can handle being awake for about 50 minutes now). Nighttime is the best: she usually nurses a while, then I lay her in the bassinet awake but still sleepy, and she drifts off to a deep sleep. Ah.
  • She has a sheepskin blanket that her Meme sent her. So far, I think she LOVES it. I do, anyway. It's so thick and soft!

If you can't tell, a lot of these updates are for me. I had a baby just Emma's age about 16 months ago - not very long. But I cannot CANNOT remember the details. How did Joseph go to sleep? Did he ever wake up after 45 minutes? Did he ever do this or that? What did I do with him when this thing occurred? Etc., etc. etc. I need a log. Pregnancy brain with Joseph has developed into a permanent case of Mommy Brain that hasn't improved. :)

Here are some pictures for you all:

A belated "9 Weeks" photo

Baby "Gangsta J"

He thought it was hilarious to pull his shirt over his face and run, at top speed, around the kitchen. Yes, he ran into things. And yes, he still thought it was hilarious!

Happy 11 Weeks, Emma! We are so glad you're here! :)

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