Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Joseph's New Sisters Pets Dinner

Last Friday I made an impulse buy and came home with 5 baby chicks. Fortunately for all of us, Aaron and I were already planning on getting chicks. (That's why I was already at the store - buying supplies ahead of time.) And I did talk to Aaron while I was at the store to see if it was okay. So I suppose it was only an impulse compared to most of the purchases we make.

They're pullets, which means they're all girls and will lay eggs when they're about 5 months old. They're ready to eat in about 4. I hope Aaron lets some of them live. I wasn't having an issue with attachment until I began seeing them as future egg-producers and long-term residents of our home.

My favorite is Red. She's a Rhode Island Red. The other two will be white (what breed?), and there are two grayish/blackish ones. Right now they're in our living room in front of a south-facing window, under a heat lamp. This is officially Aaron's thing, and how attentive he is! I tried to get him involved in the garden, and he just couldn't muster enthusiasm. He thought livestock was more his thing. This was our experiment. I think he was right. If they weren't chickens (and if he didn't insist we should look at them as dinner), I would say he "dotes" on them. But, of course, he's just "tending" to them.

Anyhow, Joseph thinks they're fascinating, too. Especially when they're moving and making sounds at the same time. It's almost better than a tv. :) I have to admit, though, he shows more interest in the heat lamp. Hey, it's aluminum and large. What else is there?

It'll be interesting to see how these next few weeks and months go, as Joseph's motor skills develop right along with those of the chickens. I hope they can be friends.

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