Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Oh, no. It's starting again. Yesterday, during the day, he started missing naps, wanting to eat more, getting frustrated when he did eat more, and had little, tired, pink eyes all day. It took him an hour to fall asleep last night, even though he was in my arms. Poor Joseph. He's acting just like he did two weeks ago when he hit what we decided was a growth spurt. Another one, already? Sigh. So, we celebrated Joseph being with us 6 weeks yesterday with crying, rocking and a good dose of frustration. But I know it's really nothing to complain about at all.

This past week, he has slept 6 consecutive nights for ten to twelve hours. That just blows my mind. Of course, when we weighed him, he hadn't gained as much weight as he had been (only 1/4 pound). My thought is that he'll catch up with himself this week. At least, I hope so; it has worried me a bit that he is sleeping so much, but common sense and veteran mothers didn't think it was a problem. We'll see?

Right now, I'm watching Joseph try to sleep as I type. I feel so sorry for him. He's been in his bassinette for 35 minutes and just can't fall asleep. He fussed on and off (but hasn't cried!), and has resigned himself to turn his head every once in a while, give a little whine, and close his eyes again. Sheesh, if I were tired but couldn't sleep and was a newborn, I'd be whiny too. In fact, I'm whiny without those circumstances.

Personally, Joseph's mama is ready to be herself again. "Time, time!" is the response I get when I give my complaint. They're right: it does take much time to heal from such an ordeal as birth, but pregnancy got me in the habit of refraining from activities and resting simply because I was humongous and tired. But now, I have my energy back (for the most part) and am merely fluffy - which, in my opinion, begs for something to be done about it. I can't, though. I need a few more weeks (I guess) to heal before I can start exercising again.

"Give yourself permission to be a blob", someone told me. Huh. This should sound like a golden opportunity, but I have a guilty personality. Aaron wakes up at 5:30 every morning to go to work all day until 6:00, unless it's Tuesday or Thursday, in which case he works half a day and goes to class until 8:00. He'll then come home, do the dishes, check on laundry, trash, clutter, etc. The weekend comes and he does all the grocery shopping so that I don't have to get out. Do you know how terrible it can be for a man to go to Wal-Mart with a list his wife made? Utter confusion, I imagine. But he does a fantastic job. Then, he'll come home, do yard work, and help make dinner. Sunday brings him some rest. And there's Monday again.

I, on the other hand, need to give myself "permission to be a blob". Aaron tells me the same thing. I know he's right. But I'm ready to get back to my regular weight, to be doing things, to feel productive. Sheesh, I'm complaining a lot. Sorry. You can pray that I become okay with my state of blobness. :)

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