Monday, February 28, 2011

Postpartum Can't-Do-Withouts

This postpartum experience has been so much better than my second one. There are lots of factors to consider, but this is a list of things I had or did or others did for me that I feel made a huge impact on my good experience the first two weeks:

-The book 'Mothering the New Mother', which helped me to remember that new mothers need a great amount of care, and you should prepare for that without guilt or embarrassment.

-Childcare (having childcare lined up meant that I had the first 3 days to completely devote to Maddi and have Aaron take care of us. This was golden.)

-A list of people I knew I could rely on to give seasoned advice and/or a sympathetic ear.

-A menu and frozen food

-Extra money set aside for the inevitable increase in eating out, along with a list of good restaurants that serve fresh food.

-All the supplies and clothes and baby needs ready and waiting.

-Arnica pellets (for pain from birth and nursing)

-ContractEase (herbal tincture for afterpains - I drank 1-2 glasses of water with 20 drops every time I nursed for at least the first 4 days and it helped a lot)

-Lortab (helped the first two days with pains and as a side benefit baby slept a lot!)

-Placenta Encapsulation pills (helped so much I will probably tell everyone about them)

-Drenamin (supplement for stressed and overworked adrenal glands)

-Soup (homemade chicken and rice soup gave me energy and was so nice to my digestive system)

-Belly Bandit (gave me support for my back and stomach)

-Of course, nursing help: tea bags (boiled and cooled) to sooth, Lanolin, topical arnica, Boppy pillow

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