Monday, July 26, 2010

How to (Not) Eat Well When You Travel

We just got back from a weekend trip to see family. Even though it was a great visit, I was exhausted the whole time. I'm pregnant, which means eating well isn't a plus, it's sort of necessary if I want to feel good enough to act like a human.

If you want to eat well when you travel, follow this one tip and you will: bring your own food. That's it. Easy peasy.

Only, I didn't do that this time, and ended up having lots of bagels, sugar, juice, muffins, bread, chips, etc. for my meals. It was awfully tasty, but I couldn't fit enough fat and protein into that to get the energy I needed.

Here's a Quick List of items I normally bring with me for meals/snacks:
whole-milk yogurt
peanut butter
fruit as a utensil for eating pb

Just this short list of items can add a lot to meals, or completely substitute for one. If I happen to have a half gallon or more of raw milk, I'll bring it along, mostly because I don't want it to sour before I get back. Everyone in our family enjoys these foods, so they get eaten up.

What else is on your short list of travel foods?

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