Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Long Lost Update

Hello family and friends. I'm a terrible blogger. Here are some pics for you though; and perhaps an actual entry will come in a day or so. :)

Two weeks ago: J practicing stacking and banging. He's especially good at banging.

Mom: future teacher, maybe? :)

Okay, it's not as bad as it looks! They're homeopathic teething tablets. I just can't figure out how he twisted the lid off...

Karina wanted her hair rolled like I do mine. :)

Isn't she just daaaahling?

Taken the day before Karina went home. Why is it so little?

This past weekend, we went to FTW to celebrate Meme's b-day. :)

He's trying to impress his Meme. :)

Joseph found this stem of asparagus fern, crawled over to the plant, and tried to put it back on. :)

Bad family photo. Those aren't pillows in my belly; Aaron's eyes are normally open; J does not brood in real life! :)

For the last 3 months, Joseph has been desperate to look out the window like Karina does. Yesterday, he discovered that where's there's a will, there's a way (or a box).

1 comment:

T*ny and R*se said...

I always love your photo updates!!!