Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Much-Needed Update

Here's an update of our lives (mostly in pictures) the past two months:

Last week of May

Trip to Missouri for Grandpa and Grandma Payne's 60th Anniversary
We stopped for a picnic on the way

Joseph found a basketball to play with on our picnic!

Karina swinging on Grandpa's 50-year-old wood swing
Middle of June
Karina found some treasure at a garage sale!
Beginning of July - Our Trip to visit Meme in Fort Worth

We also got to visit Kristy, my sister and Karina's mommy!

Karina tried on her graduation outfit from her HeadStart school

Joseph got his first haircut while we were in FTW. Here's pre-haircut.

Post haircut! A little boy now!

End of July
Yesterday Karina baked us "mud cakes".

This morning they were ready! Yummy!

Each morning, Karina is responsible for taking care of the chickens before breakfast. As she was feeding them today, she found their first egg!!!! Yay chickens!

1 comment:

R*se said...

Wow Kelly those were GREAT pictures and a busy couple of months!